_FAQ_ Q by [by Jay M. on Facebook]: *Does it really have to specify what planet your from? lol* After a response by Dan K., who replied, "Jay, this is Ken we're talking about", I replied: *RESPONSE* Unfortunately, my card is not valid on the Voyager missions, nor is it valid on Mars just yet. I *should* be acquiring my Martian Library Card on this http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/participate/send-your-name/insight/ next trip, but it's not a Universal Internet Library Card, as it only talks to NASA, and they'll be sending me up with all the books up there - no networking for those.. They currently consist of 345,456 names of people but their biographies will not be available just yet. They'll be next to my name on a USB stick I believe. The Internet connection to Mars is sparse at best and until they increase the bandwidth, the Universal Internet Library Card will be unavailable to regular citizens on Mars until the technology moves beyond dial-up.