That's really quite nice - your gravity-free model reminds me somewhat of Milo Wolff's WSM (Wave Structure of Matter) but yours seems to be a more complete and has a different focus.** It's also FAR more organized than anything I've ever done. I liked your illustration of the triple interaction - it reminded me of [1] - I was fascinated by it about a year or so ago. I liked it so much, I downloaded a CAD program and made a stop-motion animated gif used to illustrated the Halo Effect as accurately as I could on how I envisioned it, based upon its descriptions.* Wikipedia seems to still like it; it's the Triangles that seem to expand out of nowhere, but of course they have an origin; it's through the configuration STATE of the three things, not the things themselves. [I don't contribute much to Wikipedia, just when I have something novel to add, which is only maybe three times in the past 12-13 years or so] Something to consider, seeing as you have a very organized model at present, might to take a shapshot of it and make a book. I made one last night in a few minutes out of a comment I posted to a friend, just to show how easy it is to accomplish anything if you know the steps, and in a very short time. [2] [don't buy it btw - it's just a comment I posted in G+ turned into a book.. which could easily be tied to a direct-to-print/publish-on-demand which would allow someone to have a hard copy].** Only took about 5 minutes to go through the prompts and a few hours for Amazon to accept it, ridiculously so :P References Visible links 1. 2.