I want to say "Touche" but that word has been taken over by the neckbeard, whose stereotype I *almost fit so closely to* and barely manage to escape at every turn... so far. And your response is *exactly* why I don't usually post things about Star Trek or Doctor Who most of the time. I enjoy them but the wagging judgmental fingers of the meangirls I've allowed to prevent me from going full force into it. Stereotype Nerd :: Stereotype Meangirl Points: 1 Points: 1 So was mine smile emoticon I know you're not a girl. I also know that most stereotypes are mistaken. Salt is salt, sugar is sugar. Impressions are... eh, high school stuff. The formation of the brain that seems to cause the massive stereotyping behavior and other attributes of puberty typically finishes formation around the age of 25 years old or so. I expect people 25 and under to exhibit this kind of behavior. But 25+ it's an old habit, best broken imo. But that's _exactly_ the kind of thing a nerd would say, isn't it? Your argument is valid. As salt, I am sugar smile emoticon I'm a nerd. Comes with the territory tongue emoticon I don't really think though. I just start typing - I have NO IDEA what I'm going to say when I start typing. smile emoticon Anyway, I apologize for any offense that I might have caused you in this exchange. Just having a bit of harmless fun.