I almost became a psychologist. I interviewed one in my late teens. I saw one a couple of times as a kid. The only thing that helped me was Biofeedback training when I was 11. "Breath through my feet" "warm bottle in the sand" while I made a computer Beeping noise go down with my mind. Anyway, I asked about the difficulties of being a psychologist. He told me. I asked about the 50% suicide rate among psychologists heard of. He said it was bit exaggerated but yes it happens more often than most people know.. I asked "is it because they're searching for their own solutions and some of them despair because they can't help people as much as they want to?" and after a long explanation that was over my head, I just said, "sooo...?" - he said "basically, yes." One interview with one psychologist but it was enough to know that "yes, I could do this as a profession" but "not the way it's set up". The most disappointing thing was finding out they really can't give advice... not overtly. I like giving advice, even if it's wrong, but I try darned hard to be right.