Ouch. That *is* bad. Your description reminds me of how I felt in school. I'd get a thought in my head and it wouldn't go away. People looking even close to my direction were distorted; always negative and judgmental or mocking in some way. I'd get nausea, tunnel vision. My mother said I'd get into inconsolable states. [I was talking with Jay about this earlier, so he gets a repeat] At 11, my mother took me to biofeedback. I learned to "breath through my feet" / "be a bottle in the warm sand". There were these tapes of guided meditation and I had to control a computer's beeping with my mind and make the tone go down in frequency and volume. [this was back in 1983 when biofeedback was considered a bit quackery. She also fed us homemade yogurt a lot, which wasn't half bad]. Anyway, it worked. Breath in for 6 seconds, breath out for 6 seconds. That's the gist of it in a nutshell. Didn't cure the anxiety problem but it gave me my first handle on it - something I could _do_. I picked up vipassana meditation at some point, found other outlets like manic piano playing or fast typing. I did recently find that magnesium + zinc (regular amounts) were a big help; my body reacts to it the same as it did when I had Lorazapam (atavan?) in my mid-20s. Occasionally I'll use it even now. Sounds like you have it far worse than me though.