Oh no, she just changed her name. *In fact, she loved it so much, that even though they were only married for 2 years, she LOVED writing the name Bekheet in cursive, so she's kept it ever since. Diane Bekheet. Anytime she gets on a plane, she has to take off her shoes. They pull her aside and she gets "special treatment" and they ask her a LOT of silly questions. Her luggage gets checked extra thoroughly, including her underwear. But, no, they were married in a civil ceremony. *His family was behind it 1000%. He was Islamic in the same way that most people are religious; it's a cultural thing, a heritage thing. *He didn't care what other people's religions were; Mom and I kept going to the Methodist church in town, which we went to simply because it wasn't Catholic. I suspect if there was an Edgar Cayce meetinghouse we probably would've gone there. *My grandmother was really into Edgar Cayce, Hidden Journals of Tesla, secrets of Atlantis, Ancient Aliens... not as a 'true believer' but as a Sci-Fi fan. *She was a Trekkie too or, at least a fan of the show. *She also had an unusual adoration for engineers until she actually worked for them, but that was 40 years before I was alive enough to hear the story about it. My grandmother got me into Doctor Who when I was 8 and I'm 43 now. *SHE was lucky enough to watch the British import of Doctor Who from the BEGINNING, but I caught up to her and now that she's been dead for 15 years, I've seen Doctor Who's she hasn't. Anyway, short answer: No, she didn't :)