Oddly, I can relate. I was always abstract and intellectual when I talked, and the mother's of my friends (there are three I can think of) would squirrel me away to listen to me at length, talking about whatever. I liked the attention...but... I didn't know they considered themselves MILFs. _They_ might've thought of themselves as MILF but I didn't. So I learned to wrangle my way out of unwanted advances, making excuses and whatnot. I didn't stay away but I did what I could to reduce the frequency of the hug-with-roaming-hands and looking at my crotch and ignored the awkward sexual comments. When I see posts about cougar pride, it's likely I get a similar awkward feeling as women might get when they see misogynist posts. At the same time, I don't get too offended when I hear, "All men are [x], oh, but not you Ken, you're different" although at once time, that phrase would bother me, as it felt as if I wasn't includable as a man. I'm not ashamed to be male; it's an accident of birth and really, I don't care about my gender either way, but I'm glad I can grow a kickass beard. Then again, I always found the alpha/beta male distinction ridiculous. It's roleplaying and some of it is dumb to me. In any case, I'm sorry for your experience. I don't like forward women likely for the same reason that you don't like forward men. I'm not looking for _anybody_ and overt sexual advances are really uncivilized.