Ownership. yeah. That's the sad thing. It's rented. It was never your message to begin with. They're being nice enough to allow messages to go through their servers with the stipulation that they get first dibs if they choose. It's real estate: You're allowed to live there and are granted the illusion of ownership. But, depending on the laws where you live, there are many levels of ownership that take priority over your own. We're teenagers in the bedrooms of our parent's house. a: "IT'S MY ROOM!" b: "ONLY BECAUSE I'M LETTING IT BE YOUR ROOM!" a: "THAT'S NOT FAIR!" b: "LIFE'S NOT FAIR!" and so it continues through life. Being new to it, you can see the Emperor has no clothes. Being old to it, I can see the Emperor has no clothes. But I think those inbetween, they see the clothes still.