Thankfully, Pete Jones for myself, I learned to give up any illusion of Privacy online years ago. The final nail in the coffin for any illusion of privacy was on February 12, 2001, when Google acquired the Usenet archives and all the crap I posted on Usenet since 1990 was available from a SEARCH BOX. I was pissed. Really pissed. My childhood was over and the playground that I thought was the net where I could say whatever I wanted was over. So, I had them kill whatever posts I didn't want my mother to see (there was about 120 or so) and once the last one was gone, so was all my illusions of privacy. Took about five days to come to terms with the shift in thinking. Now, 14 years later, I just say whatever I feel like and could care less who is watching or collecting my data. I just feel sorry for people who believe they have privacy. Can't be helped though; marketing gimmicks like "security" "privacy" are touted all over the place, but they're not true. They were never true, at least in the case of the 'net. I should've known better too. Store and forward. That's what the 'net does. Store and forward. If it gets stored... which means copied to ANY other computer in the chain that leads from one computer to another, there's no privacy. All that encryption stuff is laughable honestly smile emoticon