They won't. They're a paid friend except they can't give advice. I almost became one; seemed easy enough to do. Didn't like the "not really giving advice" part. I mean, you can _imply_ advice but it's not Dr. Phil Motivational Hour. Anyway, computers made more money and I can find people to complain to me about life anywhere and at least I can try to fix their problems without worrying about getting sued for bad advice I wasn't supposed to give in the first place. Mom sent me to one a few times as a kid. It was boring. Tried one session in college. Tried one in my mid 20s for three sessions. Each time, even as a kid, I thought, "I'm in the wrong chair. I should be where he's sitting". Then again, I thought that about my teachers too. Biofeedback was VERY useful though. I was 11 yrs old in 1983 and got hooked up to a computer and I had to make the sounds get lower using the power of my mind, while listening to guided meditation tapes. and learning to breath. "Warm bottle in the sun", "Breath through your feet". That shit actually *helped*. I realize now though, I _think_ I might have been raised in a strange family who only pretended to be normal. Still not sure. My grandmother was obsessed with Edgar Cayce and loved Star Trek and Doctor Who. While I didn't adopt her beliefs in Atlantis, Secret Files of Tesla, UFOs and aliens, I did follow her footsteps in Dr. Who and Star Trek. Ok, she wasn't obsessed, but she believed the Lost Teachings stuff, ancient aliens and what not. She looked exactly like Thelma from Scooby-Doo. Definitely an introverted nerd type, probably INFJ. I got along well with her. Never been to a psychiatrist. Always wondered what they'd prescribe me. They'd prescribe SOMETHING because.. that's what they do. YOU might not need it, but THEY need to prescribe it. - it's their job tongue emoticon