They still have them online you know smile emoticonBBS's are still alive and growing, as creating virtual machines is rather simple to do now. A few months ago, I managed to convince DOSBox to run a Telnet BBS of Pyroto Mountain. That was my hardest challenge, because Pyroto Mountain was not FOSSIL-aware. I never *did* get into the FOSSIL stuff, although I used them for doors and things. I might have even run LoRD at one point, but I never played it myself. But.. flash forward to 2012-14: Minecraft. My nephew. I ran a Minecraft server for 23 months straight, almost killing my laptop. It was like running a BBS all over again. Marvelous fun; the kids could the stuff we only DREAMED of years ago. I saved all of their creations too; [the server got kinda popular] and someday, I hope they track me down online and ask for them. Maybe by then I'll have a 3D printer and I'll be able to print out their childhood creations and mail them to them. That'll be fun. But I'll have to hang on to a 96G world file. I didn't know I wasn't supposed to grow creative worlds that big. I just let them build, role play, etc. It was nice giving them the kind of fun I had growing up.