I suck at editing (I don't edit), but I _do_ produce a lot.. in.. short snippets anyway. So far, I've lacked the cohesion to put together a standard book in the standard format. If it's fiction, Id have to create a Universe and characters and settings... if it's non-fiction, Ill have to make a lot of FILLER.. stories from real people who were affected by the ideas in the book... or who DIDN'T LISTEN to the ideas in the book and had disasterous consequences to their lives... or some fantastical tale about people whose life-courses somehow meshed PERFECTLY with whatever idea Im trying to sell... Such is sell-able books. They can be compressed to their TITLE half of the time but they have LOTS of Joseph Campbell monomyth stories of Victim, Meets Impossible Challenge and becomes changed through the experience... *sigh*.. I know it's the format but man... it feels cheap.