I tell myself something before bed: "I will wake up in the morning with a new thought I've never had before." I have a pen and paper by my bed, because my phone likes to be dead by morning and is unreliable. I'm rarely disappointed. The subconscious does its thing; I believe the actually connecting process happens within the few moments from the point the "wake up" call comes from the neck (corotid? I dunno) and switches the state system from "sleep mode" into "wake mode", and finished what was started the night before. The consolidation process likely happens during sleep at different times, but without priming the system before going to sleep, it's likely I'd miss a great "a-ha" moment because it would be masked in the symbolism of dreams, where the brain is TRYING to say something but it lacks a steady background of context like we have in waking life. Everything's out of context; makes dreams seem weird, but they're entirely logical.