Honestly, I don't see it as much different though. I've known Mensa level people who had the emotional maturity of a 2 year old who didn't get the candy they wanted. Some people that make it through the education system at the higher levels are unfortunately emotionally crippled due to the extended childhood afforded to them by having parents keeping them in school for so many years. They leave the cradle of academia and go straight to their profession without the bumping around of awkward non-ivory tower life. I don't think that's the norm of course, but I've seen it. I believe emotional maturity is one of those nature/nurture questions. You have a certain degree of it that comes with you, and it's either fostered or inhibited due to experience. I don't believe there is a correlation between IQ and emotional maturity, but I could be mistaken. Anyway, let me get to James' posted rules; I promised I would smile emoticon