It's tricky to find solid footing for a sense of certainty, as the ever changing world of academic/science (along with the representations/misrepresentations of such in media) makes it difficult to sort it all out. The current trend in educational psychology is something they call Grit. Much of the Common Core curriculum changes in the USA are inspired by a pop psychology book a few years ago mentioning Grit as the best indicator for success. It became VERY popular among educators. It help me somewhat because figuring this out allowed me to explain to my nephew when he was in the 4th grade (9 years old) last year, WHY it seemed they were making math harder. It's because they are. I showed him how he could do in his head ANYWAY, and ALSO do he "show your work" routine for the teacher to be able to show to the principal who can show it to the board who can show it to the State so that the school can get money to pay for the teachers. He understood it right away and his grades went right back up. It's a shame the game is that way, but it is. I digressed - sorry about that smile emoticon