Life is full of uncertainty. This is a clich*? Perhaps. But it is a clich* for good reason: it appears to be true enough. All things being considered * sometimes the best you can do is settle. You can settle for "true enough". A danger might be acting as if "true enough "was the same as "true ". Perhaps they are identical * but I prefer to think of them as equivalent. You have sugar in your coffee * you realize it's making you fat. You do not wished to be fat. So, you find something equivalent * and that is Splenda, or sweet and low, or some sort of artificial sweetener. Just now, I experienced an example of equivalent. I was using a new app that I downloaded that allows me to produce longer paragraphs using the voice to text feature. Even though I can type 110 words per minute, speaking is still faster than typing. But, it stopped working, calling me "Unauthorized". I was annoyed because I enjoyed my new toy. So, I switched back to the iPhone voice to text which is also very good. It worked for the last paragraph. But this paragraph? I am typing it with my thumbs because my internet is likely acting up and not sending my voice to Apple's voice to text servers. All equivalent. There's often a cost when substituting but they are close enough to "same" to be usable. I got over my moment of frustration each time and switched: two switches of text input in three minutes time. How are these things equivalent? Well, you can see the results. There are words in front of you. How did they get there? From your point of view, it is not as important : each paragraph looks like a paragraph. But from my point of view, I have to change my methods to suit the constraints placed upon my desires. The constraints are only partially in my control. But the choice to attempt to get these words out of my head and to you, in the future from this moment that I typed the letter "q", is my choice. The truth lies in the choice itself not in the practical execution of the choice. Yet, is it possible that I am running on automatic? Is it possible that I am a self-aware machine that only believes it is typing or speaking these words? Yes. It's possible. But is it likely? No. Even still, it doesn't matter to me. Certainty is not required for action. Certainty is but a nice feeling and a bit of a fantasy, even if it is often useful. Uncertainty is awkward and messy but it's everpresent. To become comfortable with the uncertainties, which seem to be the majority, can go far in assisting you to cope with your existence on this strange planet. At least, it has for me.