Indeed lol. That's the thing; I believe in the process. I know we're not a representative democracy. I know we're an oligarchy. But there's *still* enough elements of representative democracy available to us for stuff like that. I mean, heck, they passed gay marriage; I didn't even *know* people were working on it, but then again, I don't follow the news unless someone tells me (in person or I see it online from someone's post). But it's an example of what's possible to accomplish. I suppose I'm no better though. I've had so many rants about Education yet that's all I do too. Rant. Maybe I should do what that lady did with her book on Grit that inspired the teachers and led to coursework changes designed to make things more difficult and confusing [it's supposed to break people who believe they are innately good at math or english or ... anything.. and slow their progress so they keep down with the rest of the class. The whole thing seems military to me, honestly, but whatever. School will suck no matter what they did, do, or will do. Maybe I should take a page out of my own book here. It *is* something I _could_ get political about...[educational psychology] I just hate joining groups.