Raised in an 60% italian-american / 40% irish-american one square mile town in New Jersey with three major families and many minor, I was aware. It's likely I have not a drop of wop but I learned to navigate without getting myself connected;* *headed by a connected boss (literally / not literally) - who was buddies with Henny Youngman and a shock jock from NYC from the 90s whose name escapes me. Got to see Henny in person a couple of times when he came to the shop. Cranky but funny. The shock-jock who was AM radio before... that loudmouth whose name I forgot on.. I think 770 AM? was only a nasty troll on the radio. In person? Sweet as pie, a genuine guy. AH! I looked him up: Bob Grant. That's the guy. he was in the print shop at least once a week. Me too. He actually didn't believe 80% of what he said, but he knew his listening public very well. He wanted people to love him or hate him; both upped the ratings. Yeah. Here was the routine: a) Bob Grant would come in. b) Him and my boss, Armand would shake hands. Bone crushing handshake. Mind you, they were in their 70s I think. c) Then Bob Grant would come over to me. d) I'd get up away from the Mac LC I was designing whatever on using Aldus Pagemager I think, and stand up. I knew the bone-crushing handshake was coming, so I did what I had to do: I returned it at ALMOST EQUAL PRESSURE, but not quite enough to overpower him. You have to let them win but you had to put up a good fight. Then he'd sit at Armands desk, which pissed him off every time, and I knew I'd have a break for an hour or so. They GAVE me my opinion on abortion. Two old men, who you'd think would be conservative as all get out, were not. Abortion was none of our business because we're men. Simple as that. Would he say that on the radio? Unlikely; he came on before Rush Limbaugh and had to keep up the pace, keep the audience.