Beard looks awesome. But.. .I'm biased. Like me, you are able to grow an Epic Beard. Now, not all men can grow an Epic Beard. In fact, _most_ men cannot, judging by the number of, "Oh I wish I could grow my beard like you but..." and I get to hear tales of patchy spots on men's faces. Random men mind you. Walgreens. Supermarket. Parking lot. Apparently I look approachable like Jesus and people talk to me sometimes. Anyway, I'd keep it. If someone's on your case about trimming, buy a $17 Wahl trimmer, use the 3rd smallest setting to do the whole beard, then trim the edges with the 2nd smallest blade and you're DONE. Upkeep time: 5 minutes about every couple of weeks, or whenever someone bitches about the beard being scraggly. PS - I don't wear the beard for looks. I wear it because I hate shaving..