well, I don't know your sources but my mother worked in New Jersey with the prosecutors office and they had dealings with the county and state troopers, federal agencies, judges, politicians, etc. Are there secret networks in some places? Probably. But at least where we were, while politics was definitely king; it was fickle. The whims of whoever was in power would change the people in the structure of things, and very quickly. I also knew people I went to school with that became NJ State Troopers. No secret society there. Somewhat of an "old boys network" but not as much of a secret society, but rather learning whose ass to kiss for promotions. I _wish_ they had it all together like a secret society would, but all I ever saw and heard of were people scrambling and jockeying for position. The people that rose to power the most quickly were the consciousless individuals who ALSO knew how to play nice when necessary; the ones that rose but got hit by a glass ceiling with the consciousless individuals who really *believed* they were powerful: the smart ones knew they had to play the chess match carefully. Of course, this is a single state in the 50 states in the USA. There's 49 others and I suspect there's likely things going on just like you're saying in some parts of the country.