If I still had an audible stutter, you could. It's inaudible now; it happens within my mind in the phonological loop, long before (well, about 200ms-400ms before) speech production. There's no pause in conversation; I can keep up the pace. But I 'feel' it. It's always there. It's an internal gap that never closes when I speak in most social situations. But when I write, that gap is not there. So, I take to writing much better. I also don't have the gap when I am speaking to my iPhone doing voice-to-text work. It just "comes out". I also don't have it when I have the floor as it were and people are actively listening in a way where I don't feel social pressure. But, those times are sadly rare. There's usually _some_ sort of social pressure to stop and let the other person talk. It's fine and all; it's the timing of conversation in the culture I'm raised in. But... I'm not good with it. It gives me that 1/4 - 1/2 second pause that nobody hears but I can feel internally.