Never wore the suit, wanted a TARDIS door for my room as a kid though and had a Doctor Who calendar as a kid. I've seen 'em all myself; first time I was 8 (that would be 1980) and my first doctor was Peter Davidson, who I already knew from "All Creatures Great and Small" that I'd watch with my mother and grandmother. My mother didn't share our interest in science fiction, so I'd watch In Search Of and Doctor Who and "Ancient Astronauts" stuff and NOVA and Carl Sagan with her. On my own, I'd stay up all night to watch PBS marathons of Doctor Who, until one day, I'd seen them all. I never expected it to come back. After the US TV movie in 1995 brought me hope and then dashed it to pieces, I just satiated my Time travel craving with ... Time cop... Sliders... Quantum Leap.. and THANKFULLY had Stargate SG-! to capture a part of it for the rest of the intervening years until, GLORIOUS OF GLORIOUS impossibilities, the show came back; AND better. I never allowed myself to get full into Doctor Who: The closest thing I did was in 7th grade, I'd rub the back of my neck like John Pertwee did and I started writing everything in British spellings, which got me a number of 0's and red pen marks on my English papers, as the teacher believed that I was American and needed to write in American. I ignored her. I didn't care about the 0s. Still got good grades 'cause I knew she couldn't fault me in the big picture.