That is beautiful! I love seeing the perspectives of people in their "Then Current" time. Are we in a worse habit of understanding? I don't know honestly. I think perhaps we haven't changed all that much in the intervening years, or ever. We're still born with the same basic human structures. We aren't born with extra knowledge or abilities. We do have many advancements however, and I am grateful for them. The technology of 1922 and the technology of 2015, I much prefer today. After all, you are in India and I am in the United States. You might have had train service in your area; it's also possible you might have had telegraph service, but you would not have had Intercontinental telephone service. Where I am living, there was nobody living here. We were a swampland until the 1950s when dirt was brought in to dry up the swamp, and land developers put down roads in the late 1960s. So, I would not be here in 1922 when the book was written. If I was, I might have been a Native American of the Seminole Tribe, but smoke signals are probably the only long distance communication I would have had. So, our communication right now? Impossible in near Real Time when this book was written. Nothing real-time equivalent to it would have been possible unless we lived in a major city and even then, only by telegraph as international telephone service was not established between our countries for a long time to come. I think India was still under British rule at the time as well, although I'm not sure; you know your history better of course, so you would have certainly understood English. So, if there _was_ some way for us to have a pen pal friendship, we could communicate with each other similarly to this. It just would have taken a lot longer between messages.