I'm a fan of Google+ and use it. It serves a different audience for a difference purpose. It's not a failure; its just "not Facebook". Facebook is all-purpose and general. That's its power. G+ is more about supporting people's fandom and obsessions. Facebook is getting better in that regard though and I give them credit. The "Facebook killer" probably won't come from an expected source. Google had its fame: The search engine and gmail. That's its two steady claims to fame. Microsoft has Windows. That's its claim to fame. Linux has Android; that's its success. [I doubt it'll find full success as desktop/laptop replacement, as neither will Chrome]. Facebook has Facebook. But there's other social networks, serving other needs. I know quite a lot of people who don't have Facebook, either never having had it, or getting rid of it. You won't see them here. A good example is Steam. You'll rarely find any of them on Facebook. They're socializing in the games, chatting on their headsets. You have tumblr. You have deviantart and... of course... *sigh* - 4chan. Oh and reddit too. All social networks serving different needs. Many people never go into the land of Facebook. Maybe Facebook is becoming what email was; and if it has succeeded/will succeed in that task, then it could last perpetually but... I dunno. I believed in so many super-large networks through the years only to watch them crash and burn, it's hard to believe any of them will have perpetual staying power.