You can bet people who use it regularly stockpiled the stuff. Of course you'll still be able to find it, but it'll be in the "back room". You can ALWAYS find poison of any kind that 'used to" be available. Just have to ask the right people the right way. we don't use poison but I remember my grandmother was a pro with that stuff. She was like a household scientist [for a seemingly emotionless woman, she also had a crush on Spock I think; and adored Engineers generally... and believed in ancient Aliens but only a little.. and in secret Tesla documents... anyway..] She'd come home with some stuff for the garden that was banne d. A city girl, she knew how to talk to the garden shop owner to get stuff she wasn't supposed to, 'cause, well, the stuff worked. She also managed to get a hold of Dr. Brown's Cough Syrup long after it was banned because she knew how to talk to the pharmacist. [I wasn't alive yet - these are stories I heard]. Funny thing, she wasn't a flirt, but she was smart and I think she knew how to impress the shopkeeps... who, were probably flirting with her, Wait.. could she have been flirting? O_O [1]#childhoodruined References Visible links 1.