it's the rains but mostly the location. We live a couple of miles away from the largest Federal Environmental restoration project; the Everglades Restoration thing. They're working to cut a swath through the base of Florida so the water flows from one side to the other, through the magical rivers of grass or whatever. Basically, they're trying to partially undo what the Army Corp of Engineers did in the 40s and 50s, which was allowing for development on top of Swampland. I live on the "Got a piece of swampland to sell you" but we got it long after that land-scam was over with. Anyway, being on the edge of civilization, we only got broadband in like 2005 or so and at that it was DSL. We stuck with DSL 'cause it's dirt cheap, even after Comcast came around a year or so later. It stays up mostly but during periods of bad weather, my provider loses connections to the domain name servers and sometimes I have to switch DNS. Sometimes that doesn't work. Then again, for like $20/month fixed at their "high speed" option (which isn't nearly as fast as Comcast, but at least we're not getting ripped off), dealing with an occasional issue is no big deal. We've got a big house and a lot of people with lots of computers and internet devices. In Boston, it's not likely you'll ever get even a second of downtime. City. Good support infrastructure. Out in the boonies? Barely linked to civilization? Things are a little more 'wild', but overall, not that much different.