Exactly. I liken things most often to metaphors. I believe humans only understand things via metaphors layered on top of metaphors. The more metaphors (or analogies) we use, the more we're able to comprehend. Good metaphors/analogies are functional; they "do stuff'. Numbers are a GREAT metaphor for stuff; they're very flexible and can describe many things very well. Words are great metaphors for stuff, also very flexible and can describe many things very well. So for me, in that sense, "all is metaphor" works, keeping in mind that being a metaphor does not make it "unreal" or "untouchable" or "unusable" or "invisible", rather, it acknowledges that our human understanding is completely linked to our perceptions of reality, and the better the metaphor, the more repeatable it becomes, making it something useful we can do stuff with. It's not that we "create reality"; we're not that amazing. But it's the map vs territory thing: we map the territory as we go along and can ONLY understand the Universe via the maps we use. They're forever linked together, both in ourselves and in the machines we create with those metaphors, like computers and such. Functional, useful, practical, physical. Still metaphors. Still useful.