I'm not saying they are insignificant. I'm saying: I DON'T KNOW. Given that I don't know, I'd like to move to something that I *can* wrap my mind around. And... by the way, "You can't get to the big picture without considering the small picture", isn't a universal. Shall I find a fallacy that suits the occasion? I'm sure I can. There's one for EVERY occasion, like a Hallmark card. There's bias here. Without understanding the bias, there's not much point *for me* in going through the details *yet*. Once I comprehend the bias, THEN I'll happily go back and discuss details, if the bias does not invalidate the need for the details. I go from big picture --> details. You go from details --> big picture. Neither way is wrong, in my opinion. I'm being pragmatic, so that we are not stuck in an endless loop.