You can! [1] Use quake3 engine (open source) but instead of getting quake, use OpenArena and follow these instructions. They're sorta complicated but if you go step by step by step, you'll be able to make your own 1st person shooter using the same engine used for Call of Duty and all of them for no money and once you figure out how to add textures properly, you CAN have your apocalyptic map of your dreams! [I'm not going to make it _for you_; I just wanted to find "the steps" in how to make a quake3 engine style game like the big boys do, but for free. I tried it. I made a blank concrete room with me, another guy and a rifle. Test proven now I'm happy - and all I did is follow these instructions. What's awesome about this, is: If you do it, you can release it to XBox,*Playstation, Wii U, Steam, the web and Smartphones... so long as you pay appropriate licensing fees and follow each of their specific rules. There. Your path to being a millionaire. And if gamedev isn't your thing, point an out-of-work computer geek with ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD on his/her hands to that site and challenge them to make you that game. Give them appropriate royalty fees. Done smile emoticon References Visible links 1.