oh luckyyyyyy! I watched them in the 80s and had to suffer through PBS marathons. The marathons were great - I'd stay up ALL night on Saturday just to watch them all. (VCR? Rich people had those) but the pledge breaks were like... UGH... although I wanted the Dr. Who Mug that made the TARDIS appear when you put hot coffee in it. And the umbrella. And the Tote Bag. Somehow, I managed to catch every episode. [I cross referenced it a library book that had episode guides to TV shows]. By the time the show petered out, I had lost SOME interest. [I wasn't a fan of the last classic Doctor]... but when they were shutting it down I was like, NOOOO WAIT but maybe the next one will be good] It was a LONG 15 years. I filled it up with Time travel shows of all kinds through the 90s. Good ones and mostly awful ones. Even... the Timecop TV show. Yes. Sliders wasn't bad I guess, at first. Quantum Leap.... all substitutes for Doctor Who. Got my hopes up with the movie in '96; didn't like how they did it but I was willing to go with the "Fox" style drama just to get my fix. But.. nope. When the show came back, and BETTER than the classic series, I was like, "IT'S MY TIME NOW" smile emoticon Yet, I never considered myself a Whovian.* Never had a scarf.* I only bought my first sonic screwdriver last year just because it was on closeout.