Look how difficult it is to express emotional content. There's a definite lack of nuanced words or even phrases for certain feelings. Some concepts almost entirely lack words of any kind, and sound strange when someone tries to express them. For example, the Oneness experience of mystics (whatever the religion or not) is something I think most languages lack decent words for and when they do, there's a whole lot of mystery attached to it... or they're considered crazy. There was some good philosophy done on this in the 1960s. Now his name escapes me but the gist of it... stacey? Maybe that's his name. Anyway, someone with that experience experiences self in a different way, in a way that they're connected to all things, part of all things, all things are a part of him, and the like. Lots of metaphors used like flow and such, and strangely sounding phrases like, "The Is and the Not Is" and such. The philosopher made a few possible conclusions but in one of them, it's the lack of the ontological category that cannot be compared or contrasted while it is happening because it's a Single Category experience... yet afterwards, they have to. They have a "now and a "before" they can compare with and such.