a) They've been, they usually just don't care. b) Welcome to [1]#childhoodruined time.* The Internet-as-say-anything-playground has to keep shifting the playground. Saw it in Usenet in 1993.* Over and over through the years, the say-anything playground gets exposed to do-gooders and suddenly you're responsible for your words. Then the playground moves.* Again and again. You might have to move to IPv6 to get your subversive humor, although I don't think we're at THAT POINT yet.* Still acceptable on standard big social media sites mostly. ^ "they've been = big brother.* I wouldn't worry about them. In any case, I agree with the rant 100%. But let 'em "oh-no-you-cant-say-that-ppl" rant and complain.* Makes things more interesting. References Visible links 1. https://plus.google.com/s/%23childhoodruined