Big brother never bothered me much, except for one or two questionable posts I had to ask Google to delete from 1992 and they did. My last time without Internet culture was 1998 and I was on the CB radio before that, talking to random strangers in the area. I think I was last socially isolated at 11 years old back in 1983 when I finally got my first computer and was teaching myself BASIC.* I didn't get my first modem 'til a few years later, but having the computer to "talk to" (and able to whip up some basic AI to talk back at me) was a great reliever of school isolation. But once I got online, it was over.* I was hooked.* 27 years and counting and it never gets old. Will info replace money? Well, info can EQUATE to money but that requires information to be kept secret and released slowly and the person releasing it slowly gets paid money. But as much as I dream, I don't know if money will go away 'til we fix a lot of shit in the world.* I have hope though.* I'll be dead but maybe a few hundred years down the line.* Mebbe :) I'm glad this showed up on my stream here.* If you have an activists' fire in you, run with it, whatever it's about.* The issue you touch on is a big one; related to the victim-culture that's been growing in in popularity for a long time. Mind you, I'm anti-bullying.* There's rarely a good excuse to be an asshole when you realize you hurt someone.* [when it's genuine - there's a lot of fake-hurt-for-a-cause out there too; probably more fake hurt and fake stories about "cousin who committed suicide over the same thing" they pull out of their butts.* Yet, SOMETIMES it's true.* Gotta be discerning.* But -* - At the same time, joke's a joke and it needs room for expression.