If you want to change others, you have to start a religion or a cause of some kind. Even then, people don't generally change on a deep level unless they desire it to begin with. Cliche? Sure. But cliche 'cause it's true smile emoticon That being said, you _can_ change yourself. THAT'S the only thing you have a chance of changing. If you change yourself, the change radiates out in your every actions, word, deed, thought. THAT changes things... automatically - just by being here, being who you are, doing what you do. Forget about the rest of 'em. Expecting/hoping others to change will drive you batty and make you unhappy. Maybe they will. Maybe they won't. But if YOU change... well, that's all that matters isn't? If you have the right attitude, outlook, etc on life, and approach every situation with all the change you wish to see, then you will see the change you wish to happen because it's no longer a "someday'; the change is in you, of you, IS you. It brightens up the world completely.