Agreed. I think that's what people that like him find appealing about him: he's Donald Trump. Same character he was in the 80s, 90s, 00s, 10s. No different. For better or worse, you kinda know exactly what you're getting with him. At least... the people that like him think smile emoticon I don't like him or hate him. He's just a noisy guy to me. Personally, I don't really care who is in office. The changes they're actually capable of enacting themselves is very small. They can INFLUENCE.. or SUGGEST... but because of the Checks and Balances in the US Govt, no single person has all that much power. I've seen few changes that directly affected me from whoever is president in my whole life. Some things, sure. But overall, not a whole lot. I think that's the point of it though. Pop a new head on top, most things stay more or less the same, and the things we complain about in 2015 are similar to the things we complained about in 2005, 1995, 1985, 1975 etc.