Absolutely. But I'm not the solitary source. I can then back up experience with testimony of other authorities, such as scientific articles, historical opinion, stuff from the world of academia, the court system, whatever. I also have a wealth of 'self-pointers' as well which again, _could_ be fabricated as well. I've put many of my writings in the past 27 years online - totally out of context mind you - on [1]http://icopiedyou.com and made it easily searchable. In short, I'm here. Ask me. Test my credibility for yourself. That's what I would tell someone who challenges me. I'll back up what I can with whatever supplemental material is necessary and if I cannot convince, well, then I can't. Again, this is "my way" of doing things. I wouldn't suggest anybody else do it this way. This is just what works for me References Visible links 1. http://icopiedyou.com/