Heliocentric is sensible for us humans here on this planet. It's enough to get us to the outer part of the solar system and around the various gravitational fields without much fuss. And yes, the moon could rationally be said to be the center of the Universe if one wishes. Example: 12 men in the history of humanity set foot on the moon. Each of us, from our perspective is at the center of the Universe. For those 12 men, the moon was at the center of the universe at the time that they were on it. All of the Universe revolved around them. And it did. It's not practical to be standing on the moon and considering how you're seen from a heliocentric point of view nor from a geocentric point of view, unless you want to hurt your brain. But if you want the ship's systems to get you home, you need a combination of heliocentric, geocentric and lunarcentric to get you back; whatever fits the calculations needed. I imagine a lunarcentric was more important in launching back to earth from the moon.