Well I certainly have certain types of hypersensitivity.* Never diagnosed with anything but cerebral palsy when I was a baby (either corrected through physical therapy or maybe i never had it) regardless, my brain processes things very quickly and consciously that it seems other people do intuitively. I suspect I'm something that would fit in the Autistic spectrum, perhaps Aspergers.* Then again, some symptoms of ADD (not so much the ADHD) fit me as well. Self-diagnosis is tricky. When a doctor does it, well they look for whatever's in their speciality so you still have to use good judgement. In any case, it's interesting stuff. To make things MORE Interesting, do a cross-cultural comparison between different psychology and psychiatry opinions in different countries. Often they have entirely DIFFERENT categories.* France for example.* Germany for another. Deciphering what's a "social disorder" and what's a personality trait often depends on cultural biases. All interesting stuff :D