Thank you Linc and rather than feign humility here, which is my usual course of action (socially acceptable), I accept. I see people hung up on words as if they carry some sort of magic themselves. As far as I know, they don't. There's no magic to words. There's no magic to definitions in a dictionary. Whether it's "Bible says" or "Dawkins says" or even my buddy "Carl Sagan says" or "Scientists say..." they're words. But understanding is something that words can only loosely point to and assist with. So, if someone is hung up on magical word choices, I change the words to attempt to convey the same meaning. I suspect a brain scan would show similar areas of the brain activating in both cases and if the concept is understood properly, they've taught themselves and comprehend. IN short, however you "get it", you "get it". If you don't, you don't.