Well, I was a teenager at the time. I suspect I got some misinformation along the way. "See that big hole? Yup. We caused that hole". Then "Oh wait, no we didn't - it's a cycle" and along the way, "Scientists overestimate problem - sky is not falling". I was in elementary/middle school at the time. Back and forth and back and forth I'd hear conflicting reports. Just found this: [1]http://www.wunderground.com/.../climate/ozone_skeptics.asp and I'm starting to see where my skepticism comes from. Authoritative declarations shifting, one teacher one year says one thing, another teacher another year says another, the news floundering all over the place... and my science textbook would say one thing one year, something else the next. I think it's much better now that there is a consistent opinion presented to education, media, within the scientific community and within most politics. The consistency brings a sense of certainty and with certain comes action. So, I'll take back all I've said. I can see the root of my own skepticism. I was basing my skepticism on having lost my faith in statistics as a kid, never really having developed a faith in statistics-as-factual. I couldn't; they changed too much and news stories from adults kept changing. I _couldn't_ be a believer; too much inconsistency. But now things are far more consistent in presentation. It's better now. I probably shouldn't have been exposed to statistic-skepticism so young. It stuck with me even to today. References Visible links 1. http://www.wunderground.com/resources/climate/ozone_skeptics.asp