It's my first exposure to the issue; I hadn't been following it. I'm more familiar with Chomsky than Harris and like Chomsky, my knowledge of Harris is more his reputation via the clique he is in and any shadows cast upon in come from sources I know better. By reputation of his group, Islamaphobia is rampant and well-known. It's not even veiled. Yet also, Chomsky's anti-Israel stance is legendary as are his criticisms of US international decisions. So, what we have here, to me is two men. One anti-Islam. One anti-Israel. Chomsky is more the anarchist. Harris appears to be more the groupie. In both cases, they are each more "anti" something than they are "pro" anything. I doubt any amount of debate between them would amount to much more than throwing sand in each other's eyes, as sophisticated as their rhetoric may be. Chomsky tends to see things as engineered; he has the ethos of a conspiracy theorist. Both brilliant in their fields. But I honestly don't know why either are getting involved in political debate; their positions appear to be positively polar..