As a fan of "metaphor-as-basis-for-understanding", I concur. [I'm a big fan of George Lakoff's work for that reason] Since Hamlet was speaking subjectively, so shall I: I reconcile death thusly: a) I needn't be here. b) I am here. c) I did not choose to be here. d) Yet I am here. e) This is good. From a perspective of history, I am: Kenneth Udut: Born 1972 - Died ???? I did not choose 1972. Nor did I choose ???? It's likely I might have made different choices; that's what what imagination is for, among other useful things. So, what am I then? I am not my birth? I am not my death? What must I be? I'm the - This is my reconciliation with death and what brings me gratitude. The things not of my choosing were not of my choosing. Historically I am the - between two sets of numbers I did not choose. This is my time.