I'm just going by history. The friendship communities were gender separated, likely to avoid the potential for relations and ... honestly I think Epicurus was someone who might have said, "ugh, BABIES!?!?" So I think it was more of a practical matter than anything. I might be wrong on that - Epicurus did speak of "neither male nor female, slave nor free" - an attitude adopted by the early Church.... [the epicurean influence upon early Christiandom is unmistakable] - yet I'd have to find a historical development specific to epicurean communities in the intervening 600 year span between Epicurus and the adoption of Christianity by the communities to be sure. this is a cute little video on Epicurean communities. Favorite line:"But they must have respected the communities somehow because they converted them all into monasteries. What we know as monasteries are really just Epicurean communes with a Christian topsoil" smile emoticon I still want to research the genders within Epicurean communities prior to the switch. I'm _pretty certain_ they were gender split by this point - Epicureanism, having been around for a very long time by then was as dogmatic and political as any group gets over long periods of time... but I have to do further research, because I find them fascinating.