You can be inspired by someone else and do something similar and people who are not in the "same group" as you - whatever that may be, will lump you all together and say, "Oh you copycat". I do that too, alas. And really, it's NOT EASY to be an original. Not easy at all. When you find something novel, or do something that's REALLY new... NOBODY UNDERSTANDS YOU. Believe me. It actually -sucks- to be an original when it happens. People can't relate. I try to fit in as best I can most of the time, although Im a chronic, "be yourself"er. But if you are a "variation on a theme", people accept and respect your originality that is within a particular subculture that they understand. In short, original but not too original seems to be the acceptable norm. [and I'm not defending norms... just.. the odd nature of subcultures and surrounding culture]