I know. They also forget to take into account that humans typically do things for stupid, greedy reasons. One-upmanship, gloating, getiting more money for your department, your little department withholding information from the department above within the same organization in order to keep your job security intact... I mean, if these organizations were all TRUE BELIEVERS in their companies/organizations/governments... _perhaps_ conspiracy theories _could_ be pulled off. But I've worked with government. My mother worked in local government and saw the inside. I've worked for Schering-Plough for a few years, one of the "Big Pharma" (I think they merged with Merck a few years back though)... and the ONLY place where the company was "acting as one" is in a single place: Public Relations Department. Nowhere else. Internally, there was scrambling, mishaps, bumbling. In short, there's always a "cover up". But... .. what they're hiding isn't perfect consistency. They're hiding their idiocy.