lol well you're honest about it tongue emoticon I'm a 100% nerd, computer geek since I was 11, online since that sexy picture of me on the left of my profile (17 yrs old there, 43 now) - and I've been carrying myself and whatever I've done in the past into the future 'cause, well, I enjoy the future. It's an awesome place to be in. I'm still an 11 yr old kid cracking open a book on PROGRAMMING BASIC sitting in my pajamas in front of my TV set, with my Intellivision pushed aside because NOW I have a computer. Intellivision 1983 : Atari 1983 :: Playstation 2015 : XBox 2015 Every guy is a nerd about something. [actually every person: A women with two drawers full of makeup, is a makeup nerd for example] I know a LOT of pot nerds. They can tell you every detail about their favorite kush, all the names of all the available types, the going rates, etc. They're also usually band nerds (not marching band always) - they have a favorite band and they're total nerds about their favorite bands.