What's interesting is I apparently know more about Dune than I thought because nearly everything you said I recognize.* I don't have a complete "all in one" picture of Dune yet I had a surprising amount of memories of it. It's possible I did watch enough to absorb it, or perhaps my enthusiastic friends talking about it sunk in - I'm not sure. It's weird; I can have a long, full fledged conversation about Hunger Games, even though I never read it because I've absorbed enough of it from people and images.* Same with Lord of the Rings; I've only ever read the Hobbit and saw the first movie, but I know the whole story as if I'd experienced all of it. I could name many others; I usually just say, "Yes" and I never have a problem and always learn more. With Dune I wasn't so sure I could do that.* Maybe I could.* Not sure though. I think it stems back to a friend I had when I was 17 and he was 14.* He had just experienced Dune and ... well... it was his one topic.* We used to talk about other things.* But he kept pressuring me to watch it.* [it was a level beyond fandom]* So I think that's what stuck with me.* I should get over that hurdle and just go through it. I had the same experience with Discworld.* A friend who was more than fandom.* There's a few other series' that I kinda avoided like that. Yet, fandom I'm ok with.* I'm not sure what the level-past would be though. In any case, I need to add it to my bucket-list and hopefully get to it before then.