On a pragmatic level, I'm ok with it. But i'm very disappointed in the politics of it through the years. Very disappointed. It tainted my view of the practice of working science tremendously since I first heard stuff from scientists complaining on Usenet in the early 90s that they HAD to modify their studies to include greenhouse gas, or "as it relates to the ozone layer" or "as it relates to global warming"... even if the study had nothing to do with it. It was a practical matter for funding. The politics of the people who provided the funding were the hippies-gone-corporate and it's their time. And, I'm ultimately ok with it and really, it's a politics I 'tend towards' [be good to the earth type stuff]. But still, anybody who claims objectivity and the glory of science just leaves me shaking my head. Ideals are fine but it's what people do that counts.* * when it comes to judging honesty. Not speaking of truth here, just full honesty.