If you want to increase your estrogen levels, eat/drink more things with copper like coffee and cocoa. If you want to increase your testosterone levels, eat pumpkin seeds or take zinc. I wouldn't mess with levels beyond that though. I did find that I had to avoid too much soy. I'd get all PMS if I had excess soy protein tongue emoticon Well then you're getting into direct hormone manipulation rather than precursors using standard mineral/metal/vitamin supplementation. I'd have no trouble advising someone to take a standard daily dose of zinc or copper, but I wouldn't feel qualified to advice HGH or health-food store supplements. but that's good for anybody- I like fiddling around with vitamins. [well I did 'til I found what works for me]. Founds lots of useless vitamins (useless for me) because I eat healthy generally. But I discovered zinc, magnesium + b12 now and again seems to give me something I'm missing.. or balance things out. [zinc balances out my huge coffee habit - the copper in the coffee] - the magnesium balances out the fact that they shove calcium in EVERYTHING but not enough magnesium. [calcium constricts, magnesium relaxes] - and the b12 because b12.