*Well, I wouldn't necessarily say "most" of the time, but I would say "some" of the time, yes. There's the N400. There's a moment of choice - always a moment of choice when faced with novel input. I"m not speaking of patterns - scripts people play, habituated behaviors. That's known and easily manipulated. I could write books on that alone. It's one of my favorite topics, especially when the linkup to the monomyth and how influential that is in the way we frame our existences as "stories" and such. Myself, I've been in a process of stripping away the stories, only to find more stories to be stripped away and taken into account. So yes, they're real Influencers: When we're running on automatic, playing our roles as it were. BUT: barring tangible, biochemical pathway issues, is there free will? Yes, there is. A moment of clarity. There can be many moments of clarity with practice.* It's still in there. It's never gone - just hiding perhaps. It's easier to play the scripts. Did I share this yet? [1]http://www.au.af.mil/.../milreview/paparone_metaphors.pdf*- metaphors. I believe we are led and misled and in fact do much of our learning (if not all) via metaphors overlaying on metaphors. So much so that we often misplace the originals but they're still there. To me, the fact that there *are* manipulation machines, doesn't take away free will existing. References Visible links 1. http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/milreview/paparone_metaphors.pdf